Role of Libraries in SDGs Goal and IFLA
We usually get to know through journal and our national media that several institution have been working on project to align it with SDG goal as per their international commitment.
In the Library context, it is very difficult to find space where as half the digital literate are using webopedia and search engine to enhance their information literacy .Sometime they are served biased,opinionated and agenda oriented and fake information .
In this digital world ,Library find very unique position for authenticity and evaluated as custodian of knowledge. In my opinion, Library can play very important role in underdeveloped society to build their competency to spur knowledge society ecosystem.
During my literature review and desk research, I found that IFLA has carried out extensively work how to align library services to achieve SDG Goals by 2030.
IFLA is very focused organization to make sure we make the most of this chance to let everyone know how essential and innovative our institutions are and can play very important role – access to information (as part of SDG16), education (SDG4) and employment (SDG8).
SDG goals will be revised and changed in 2019 is very crucial for libraries - access to information (as part of SDG16), education (SDG4) and employment (SDG8).
In 2016 ,IFLA launched a capacity-building programme with objectives to raise the level of awareness on the SDGs of library workers at community, national and regional levels, and to promote the important role libraries can play in development by contributing to the UN 2030 Agenda and the SDGs; and Increase the participation of library associations and public library representatives in advocacy work at national and regional levels to secure sustainable public access to information through library services and programmes.
It is right time for Libraries to position on global map to connect diverse society and unified them to create holistic society and builder for knowledge society ecosystem
Compiled and Edited by Rajesh Parashar